The teaching staff is the biggest asset for the School.
We at Summer Valley School have very qualified, trained, committed and highly professional teaching staff. Our teachers are exposed to global learning practices and are put through refresher programs and regular training sessions and are able to use their skills as mentors to the fullest. They constantly motivate and guide the pupils and draw out the best in them.
The various disciplines of the school have a Head of Department who manages his/her team of teachers effectively, deciding on the syllabus breakups and ensuring uniformity in the teaching patterns.
We understand the fact that every student has their own learning curve which is unique to them and therefore the student to teacher ratio is geared towards giving maximum attention to each student.
The teacher student ratio is 1:15 in nursery & kindergarten classes & 1:30 in other classes. This ensures personal touch and individual interaction between the teachers and the taught. Due emphasis on practical and hands on learning, provide an ideal atmosphere for the students to excel at academics.